Friday 21 September 2018

Who cares?

Aren’t you looking forward to the Labour Party Conference 2018? The BBC is preparing to give it full coverage. 
Here’s a taster:
“Mark Serwotka, General Secretary of the PCS Union, who publicly insinuated anti-semitism is “a story that does not exist” in the Labour Party, will be speaking at:
Labour and Palestine’s ‘Speaking Up for Palestine’ alongside Len McCluskey and Richard Burgon. 
CLASS’s ‘Review Of The Year’ alongside Owen Jones and Clive Lewis.
Public and Commercial Services Union’s ‘Social Security Under a Labour Government – What Would Need To Change’, alongside John McDonnell.”

I can’t wait.


The BBC’s coverage of other Jewish-related matters is not nearly as assiduous. Melanie Phillips:
“Through its educational materials and other media, the P.A. routinely incites hatred of Jews and the murder of Israelis, teaching its children that “all Israelis deserve to be killed and that dying while committing a terror attack is ‘the path to excellence and greatness … the great victory.’ ” 
The Arab writer Bassam Tawil has specifically blamed the murder of Ari Fuld by 17-year-old Khalil Jabarin on incitement by Abbas. According to Palestinian terrorist groups, Jabarin decided to murder a Jew in response to Israeli “crimes” against the Al-Aqsa mosque and other Islamic holy sites. 
Two days earlier, in a speech to the PLO Executive Committee in Ramallah widely reported in Arab media, Abbas had repeated the lie that Israel was planning to establish special Jewish prayer zones inside the Al-Aqsa mosque. 
No mention of any of this in Western media. Nor the fact that the P.A. immediately said it would pay the Jabarin family 1,400 shekels per month (nearly $400) for the next three years as a reward for Ari Fuld’s murder. According to the P.A.’s finance ministry, its total “pay-for-slay” budget amounts to 1.2 billion shekels ($335 million) this year and last.”
Last but not least, Jeremy Bowen is at it again.  Part of BBC Watch’s post concerns the BBC World Service so you may not have seen it, but the filmed report was featured on BBC One and the News Channel. The long list of inaccuracies and omissions in this report can be accessed here, but in the post-truth world, who cares? 

Bowen’s one-sidedness is getting more and more audacious and the BBC is evidently okay with that. 

1 comment:

  1. LabourPR is pulling tricks today
    OurDearLeader Corbyn was on both local news progs, even though he has no local connection
    *Local news progs are supposed to be for local news, aren’t they ? *
    – On ITVCalendar they had him talk about Brexit I guess part of #RammingRemain down our throats again

    – Now he’s on @LookNorthBbc they are showing Corbyn making a #MagicPromise to keep Scampton airfield open
    …He doesn’t actually appear to know anything about it, he’s just mouthing


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