Monday, 4 May 2015

Guess who?

Well, at least someone at the BBC brought it up:


  1. Replies
    1. David Preiser5 May 2015 at 02:00

      He covered it on the Daily Politics today. Some Labour mouthpiece gave a horrible, but predictable defense, that she wouldn't condemn it because it depends on the context, it could be a religiously "appropriate" moment for gender segregation. She claimed not to be aware of the situation, which is a blatant lie. Proof the BBC is right-wing and not supportive of Islam, of course. Funny how Andrew Neil's angles never really become part of the day's agenda and get spread across the spectrum of BBC broadcasting. Marr's does, but his doesn't.

      Apparently, Farage tweeted something about this being unacceptable in modern civilization. The BBC couldn't report it to demonize him because then they'd have to admit this happened. How many young, naive BBC journalists brought this to their editor and were sent packing, I wonder?

    2. David Preiser5 May 2015 at 02:01

      Oops, now the video loads. I thought it was a placeholder for a tweet. My apologies.

  2. Blimey, I thought we were almost again to be treated to the remarkably selective BBC/Labour in Trouble 'technical glitches'.

    Luckily she did hear in the end.

    And didn't know a thing about it.


    Seems Luce may be one of the Westminster Bubble referred to in your next post, who hear only what the BBC thinks the public needs to, and no more.


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