Tuesday 10 May 2016

Turbulent dwarfs

Unusually, tonight's BBC One News at Six placed a Leave angle first in its EU referendum coverage - namely IDS's contention that EU membership is harming 'the less well off' through mass immigration. 

After clips from her interview with IDS, Laura Kuenssberg interpolated the following sentence, which (I felt) went quite a bit beyond her brief as the 'impartial' BBC's Political Editor [and the emphasis here was hers]:
There is some evidence immigration's pushed some wages down a little but the possible economic turbulence if we left the EU could dwarf any potential rises. 
It's the second half of that sentence ("but the possible economic turbulence if we left the EU could dwarf any potential rises") that particularly troubled me, impartiality-wise. 

I'd expect a comment like that from, say, George Osborne but not from one of the BBC's top reporters. 

1 comment:

  1. We all know LK is a Rabid Remainiac, as your report shows, and we all know if you complained to the BBC about it they would find there are "complaints from both sides" not least because people like Daniel Korski in No 10 run the Remain campaign and aren't so stupid as to ensure that Remain-orientated complaints about LK's performance don't come in to the BBC. Simples!


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