Sunday 3 November 2019

Molesting bullocks

Nigel Farage was on The Andrew Marr Show this morning. Cue the usual crowd on Twitter denouncing the BBC for giving fascists a platform and/or actively promoting said fascists. Of course, the show also platformed and promoted a communist (John McDonnell), but that's fine by them. And me.


There seems to be less music on The Andrew Marr Show these days. I'm guessing that's because there's rather a lot going on politics-wise at the moment. 

There's still time for Andrew to interview pretty female actresses though, thank goodness. 


Nigel Farage accused Andrew Marr of not having read Boris's withdrawal agreement. Andrew protested that he had, but didn't seem entirely on top of his brief - at least in comparison to Nigel. Wonder if he really has read it? 

  • Matt Honeycombe-Foster: HUGE if true: Andrew Marr accuses Boris Johnson of running around the country 'molesting bullocks'.
Yes, this was Andrew during this morning's paper review:
Boris Johnson has been campaigning for this election actually for weeks, charging around the country, molesting bullocks and so forth, and everywhere he goes, he announces more spending for the NHS, more spending for the police, and it's totting up very fast. 
I will resist making any jokes about David Cameron and pigs, as this is a family blog. And as for a certain BBC interviewer, ladies' buttocks and roving hands as captured in a landmark photo, well, I'm not going anywhere near that in a month of Sundays.


Oh dear. Rishi Sunak, the 'rising star' of Boris's government, didn't put in a meteoric performance. Damp squibs will doubtless (feebly) protest about being compared to him. 


I do like Andrew Marr's introductions to the weather forecast. Today he gave a speech from King Lear while initially pretending it was by William Wordsworth. It was a joke I didn't get, but at least the Shakespeare was read with passion. (If anyone saw it and can explain the joke to me I'd be awfully grateful, old chap).


Seriously, I can't tell you how disappointed I was to see John McDonnell NOT wearing a cuddly uncle's cardigan today. I greatly admire his cardigans. No extreme left-winger of a certain age should be without his 'cuddly uncle' cardigan. And it makes looking concerned about antisemitism while not really caring and doing nothing about it so much nicer. And if he wants to re-endorse lynching female stains on humanity (like Conservative MP Esther McVey) I'd suggest wearing slippers too.  


  1. Sadly, the days of that other avuncular accoutrement, the billowing pipe, are long gone.

  2. Perhaps Burley will be good enough to explain what the point of that 'Wordsworth' gag was.

  3. ... 'charging around the country, molesting bullocks and so forth' ...

    Andrew Marr has shown his class as a true townie. If he was referring to the photos of early September, Boris was struggling to handle a fully grown bull, - the ring in the nose gives it away. Bullocks are castrated bulls grown up to 18 months or so for the meat trade.


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