Sunday 24 November 2019

Something's happening on Twitter

Oh. Not BBC-related, as I doubt the BBC will make hay anything of this, but here's the sainted Brendan Cox (widower of Jo) going after Jeremy Corbyn over (antisemitism) Brexit:
Just went for a curry. Looked at the menu but in the end I decided to stay neutral on the choices in front of me. Waiter currently misunderstanding my maturity for indecisiveness and getting a bit annoyed.
The Corbynistas aren't happy. Being kinder, gentler folk, a lot of them are sending him tweets like this:
Just went for a curry. Looked at the menu but in the end I decided to walk out of the restaurant after being publicly accused of sexual assault.
Is this what Jo would have wanted?

1 comment:

  1. Anybody up to speed on the 'antisemitism' allegations of the Israeli propaganda representations of Jordana Cutler of anti - BTSD fame would not just be looking at the BBC bias here.


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