Monday 25 November 2019

A masterclass from Mr Neil

Andrew Neil's interview tonight with Nicola Sturgeon was gripping stuff:

Roll on Magic Grandpa tomorrow!


  1. Will he ever be allowed back in Scotland?

  2. Reminds me of being back at school!

    Good one for the BBC, normally they let her rant on as they look up at her with longing eyes, (if only we had a socialist like her in England, if only she could destroy the UK for us...)

    1. It's not often you see her head-nodding arrogance brought to an abrupt halt. :)

  3. His team do their homework and he doesn't fawn.
    He's not really that special.
    It just the rest of MSM are a shambles preparation and massive bias.

    ...Yeh you Kay Burley etc.

    Morgan has his good moments.

    1. Very true. Maitlis had to have it pointed out to her by Peter Lilley that the EU, not just Boris Johnson, was committed to achieving a trade deal by the end of 2020. She obviously didn't know.


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