Saturday 17 September 2016

"Imagine what BBC comedy would be like if Trump wins"

Ed West, writing in The Spectator, makes the following point about a Trump triumph in November:

One unquestionably good thing about a Trump victory would be a fourth estate in opposition to the government, which is far healthier than the obsequiousness of the Obama era; this courtly attitude is magnified in Great Britain, where the current US president has almost never been the target of any satire or ridicule. Imagine what BBC comedy would be like if Trump wins.

Very true, though imagining what BBC comedy would be like if Trump wins isn't very difficult as we've had what feels like an endless foretaste of it already.

Just imagine though: the likes of Andy Hamilton, Susan Calman and Jeremy Hardy making 'Trump is stupid and evil' jokes every week for the next four or eight years and all those BBC studio audiences laughing their BBC studio audience heads off every single time. That's a consummation devoutly not to be wished, isn't it?

If the eminently mockable and untrustworthy Hillary wins, of course, Andy, Susan and Jeremy will stand down and stick to sticking it to the Tories, UKIP, Brexit supporters and OMG The Daily Mail instead, and we can all sleep easy in our beds.

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