Sunday 10 November 2019


Ah, must have a bit of Kamal today...

Can you guess the verdict of Reality Check's analysis

Ah yes, there are "problems" and "issues" with what the Conservatives are saying and Labour has been "upfront" in its spending commitments. So, despite some qualms from the IFS, that's a pretty clear ruling from Reality Check in Labour's favour against the Conservatives. 

It's 'reality', so who can argue with it?


  1. 'Super workers' has a whiff of Brave New World to it.

  2. I remember when Labour had a Rapid Rebuttal Unit to provide a speedy counter to Conservative policy announcements. Now they just let Chris Morris and other BBC correspondents do the job for them. Two such announcements were top of the Radio 4 news in recent days, only for Hugh 'Swallower' Pym (more GPs) and some other hack (spending plans) to quickly provide a 'balancing' viewpoint, i.e. to rubbish them. I really don't see them doing the same for Labour's policy launches.


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