Tuesday 5 November 2019

Whatever happened to Aaqil Ahmed?

He left the BBC in 2016. Guess where he is now?

Well, News-watch's David Keighley report today that he's among the latest batch of ex-BBC members appointed to Ofcom's various boards.

All three of the latest intake are ex-BBC.

Also, 8 of the Ofcom content board's 13 members are ex-BBC - and they're the ones who rule on BBC bias. 

It's an endless revolving door, isn't it?

Aaqil, if you're wondering, has been busy since leaving the BBC: I see from Linkedin that he's been a Professor of Media at Bolton University (no, me neither), a media consultant to various companies and a non-executive director at the Advertising Standards Agency. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I knew about the Professor of Media(!) University post as I heard him back on the BBC reviewing the papers, on I think, Broadcasting House.


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