You will need to click on the image to enlarge it here, but this is jaw-dropping.
It's the BBC News website's home page right now:
It's the BBC News website's home page right now:
Yes, the main headline is:
No place for anti-Semitism within Labour - Corbyn Jeremy Corbyn urges Jewish community to "engage" with him following the chief rabbi's outspoken ["outspoken?"] criticism.
And right underneath that piece is a video link to a report headlined Corbyn: Anti-Semitism 'has no place in my party'.
Seriously, BBC? Leading with the Corbynite defence against charges of antisemitism by the Chief Rabbi, not once but twice?
And then come two further links respectively headlined Teach British Empire injustice in schools - Labour and A simple guide to the Labour Party.
Wonder what Ash, Aaron, Simon 'Mad' Maginn, Owen Jones & Co. have to say about that 'promotion' of the Labour cause?
And then just look at the photo of Jeremy Corbyn that the BBC have made the main image on their News website - that of a benignly-smiling leader in front of his party's main election slogan. Seriously, BBC?
And, to cap it all, the BBC's second story is
Muslim Council criticises Tories over Islamophobia - The Muslim Council of Britain accuses the Conservatives of a "blind spot for this type of racism".
Labour antisemites and Muslim hardliners alike love to push the moral equivalence angle as regards antisemitism and 'Islamophobia' (note, as ever, no quotation marks around the BBC's use of the word in that headline). And the 'woke' BBC, as so often, is all to ready to indulge them by doing the same.
This is beyond a joke. This is seriously dangerous. Please BBC, stop pandering to extremists.