Saturday 5 October 2019

"Not very 2020"

The sainted Rory Stewart intends to run as in independent in the next London mayoral election and this morning's Today gave him a platform to help launch his bid. Justin Webb's lines of questioning were, however, very BBC, focusing as they did largely on identity politics. 

(P.S. If Sadiq Khan was listening I suspect he'd have been thinking nice thoughts about the BBC this morning!)

Here's a list of Justin's questions:
  • Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, do you really want to topple him?
  • (interrupting) Sadiq Khan's not an extremist.
  • But surely the way to stop that happening would be for Sadiq Khan to be re-elected for him to be a powerful force in Labour and for him to carry on saying the kind of things, including critical things, about the Labour leadership that he has? You're actually damaging the cause you say you want to assist.
  • You mention you're proud of the diversity of the mayoral race in London. You are a white guy, an old Etonian. It's not very 2020, is it really, to be challenging a black man who is the Conservative candidate and the Muslim mayor?
  • (interrupting) You're saying, 'Don't elect them. Elect a white Etonion'?
  • (interrupting) Kind of is what you're saying, isn't it, because you're standing?
  • Right, and you don't think Sadiq Khan does this, do these things [get things done, be genuinely operational]?
  • (interrupting) No, no, but I'm interested, no, alright, no need to mention him as an individual, but you don't think that is being done at the moment? And I'm thinking of the ways Sadiq Khan has interacted with Donald Trump or stood up to him, etc, in other words the way in which he has represented the city and city's interests across the world, you don't think he's doing it well?

Update: The Daily Mail online has a headline story about this now. The headline won't please the BBC. Ah, they'll say, Justin Webb wasn't saying that at all. He was just 'playing devil's advocate'. But wasn't he actually 'playing BBC's advocate' here, which is even worse?

Anger as BBC Today presenter Justin Webb says Rory Stewart should not try to be London mayor because standing against black and Muslim rivals as a white Old Etonian 'is not very 2020'


  1. Once upon a time the propaganda insisted all ethnicities were British, thus making ethnicity irrelevant. I was with the propaganda at that stage.

    From there to this... the open elevation of representation for ethnicity to be deemed more important than the representation of British people in general.
    Because, you know, only a BAME understands a BAME whether they work in The City or as an 'aspiring rapper and activist' in Hackney.
    An elevation that holds back on the criticism reserved for natives.

    Would Webb, or any of these people, be so excited about defending a working class or state educated white mayor ?
    Don't they recognise that their virtuous desire to promote change has jumped from toffs to BAMES leaving out a whole section of society ?
    Are they really this thick ?

    I sound like a nationalist. I don't know where I stand at the moment, but I do know that Webb's and the BBC's propaganda, which is dominant in Western media, is extraodinarily dangerous and poisonous.

  2. Sadiq Khan not an extremist? He campaigned for the non-extradition of Babar Ahmad, who subsequently pleaded guilty to terrorism-related offences. Khan implies now he was the man's legal representative but he wasn't.

    Is Webb the biggest arse on radio at the moment? Webb himself went to a private school. Just not a grand one.

  3. I couldn't believe what I was hearing this morning coming out of bone-headed Justin Webb's mouth. 'Asking' (Suggesting) to a man on the basis of his skin that he should not be standing against someone on the basis of the someone's skin (and someone else's Muslim status) is as purely racist as it gets. The BBC must issue an apology and censure Webb for this. It is outrageous for the 'racism'-obsessed BBC to put this line to a candidate in the first place and then to get away with it without a murmur from the listening public, the BBC management and the regulators.
    It does show what the real game here is with the BBC's agenda - it is fundamentally racist.

  4. London long ago ceased to be an English city, so I imagine that Webb thinks it's an affront to the current populace to be presented with a mayoral candidate whose skin colour is not some shade of brown. The cultural marxism behind the identitarian politics of the msm in general, and the BBC in particular, are well exposed in a fruitful discussion between Douglas Murray and Candace Owens. It's well worth a listen.

  5. Surely someone will make a complaint to the BBC about this. Surely that complaint will eventually be upheld by the Executive Complaints Unit. And surely that decision will in due course be overturned by Tony Hall following a mass protest by the Islamic, Black and Allied Grievance Mongers Association.

  6. I don't know which is worse - that Justin Webb should say and (I think) believe what he said, or the absence of an immediate retraction of his words and an unqualified apology from the BBC. Yet another low point in the spiralling downwards of BBC standards.

  7. I heard the interview. It really was a new low point. I don’t want the BBC to apologise. I want Webb sacked.
    firstly it struck me how Stewart was a hero when he was attacking Boris but when he stands against the sainted Sadiq he becomes just a white guy to be scorned by Webb
    secondly it reminded me how the BBC ruthlessly attacked Goldsmith when he was standing against Khan
    thirdly just count the number of times webb says Sadiq Khan reverentially during the interview , must be over 10 times . He mentions no other candidates by name.
    fourthly it struck me how antidemocratic the BBC is nowadays;in webbs world it’s clear that Khan should be elected unchallenged of basis of his ethinicitty , religion and of course anti trumpism

  8. It really annoys me that after reading this article masquerading as humanity :

    my first question was 'would this be in the Guardian (and therefore, inevitably on the BBC) if this guy was white ?'.

    The probable answer is no.
    I'm annoyed that I even ask myself the question.

  9. As soon as I heard Justin Webb say " you really want to topple him?", I knew which way the interview was going. Does he understand the basic concept of an election? How exactly is engaging in a Twitter spat with Trump relevant to being Mayor of London?

    And yes, Webb could quite possibly be the biggest arse on Radio. This interview was a new low, even by BBC standards.


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