Thursday, 10 October 2019

I'll take the higher offer please, Bradley

The link on that tweet takes you to a BBC News website report.

I'd placed a wager with myself before clicking on it that I wouldn't watch The Chase tonight if I was wrong to predict that the BBC report would demonstrate BBC bias, as it concerned both immigration and the EU/Brexit. 

I immediately looked at the the two bold, large-print sub-headlines and saw that they said 'Hostile environment' and 'Windrush-style scandal' - both dog-whistle headlines for left-liberal types - and knew that I'm definitely watching The Chase tonight.

Whoever chose those two sub-headlines doesn't reckon much to what the Home Office minister said and seemingly regards the whole thing as scandalous and racist.

The language of the BBC report - eg. its use of the word 'pressed' - and the larger proportion of it given over to quoting critics of the Government also shows BBC bias functioning predictably. 

Right. Time for The Chase...