Friday, 28 August 2015

BBC Three announces seasons on 'Guardian' obsessions

Media Centre announcement: featuring a young woman

As you may already have read...

...the BBC Media Centre has announced a brand new 'season' of 'seasons' for BBC Three which absolutely blows the concerns of 'people like us' right out of the water. 

No one will ever be able to say that the BBC is 'the non-inky version of the Guardian' ever again...

Yes, BBC Three will be broadcasting a 'season' of 'seasons' on British history (including a landmark series on Englishness), on love and marriage, and (more controversially) on the rape of non-Muslim girls by Muslim grooming gangs in several English towns and cities...


Er, now, of course, you all know the BBC well enough by now to know that the above is a totally sarcastic lie from start to finish. 

BBC Three would never broadcast such a 'season' of 'seasons', would it?


So here's what BBC Three's brand new 'season's actually comprises: "seasons on race and gender".


Really, we should all just rest our case at this point, shouldn't we? Pack up our cases, having provided a final QED, and go home?

"Race" and "gender", these days, aren't our concerns, are they? They're more the stuff of endless Guardian articles, aren't they? 


The BBC Media Centre lists six programmes on 'racism'. One focuses on post traumatic stress disorder in London gangs (yes, really. That's not a joke!). Two focus on far-right groups (the KKK and Britain First). The other three focus on racism: "Is Britain racist?", "Ferguson One Year On" and "The Worst Things I Have Ever been called".

As the main BBC voice of this 'season', Reggie Yates, says:
I'm incredibly proud to be part of this season. You might think issues with race and racism are from the last century but sadly not. In some areas tensions surrounding race are as pronounced as ever. 
According to other media sources, the BBC "are  planning to prove that the nation is still prejudiced towards ethnic minorities".

Familiar BBC stuff.


As for the 'gender season', well, in the exact words of the BBC Media Centre':
Being a woman or a man in the UK today. Finding your way as a transgender person, or gay or straight person in 2015. Being exploited for sex online. Victims of violence and rape. All are topics covered by a series of films exploring gender and sexuality today.
As a parody of PC-speak, that couldn't be bettered, could it? Except, of course, that it's not a parody.

The BBC, sadly, is increasingly beyond parody, isn't it?