Oh, and for all of you who recall David Cameron's complaint that the BBC should be re-named 'the British Broadcasting Cuts Corporation' and who might also remember all those complaints that the BBC was strenuously anti-unionist during the Troubles (the 'Blood Orange' period, as Peter Simple used to put it)...
...Shaun Ley (anticipating today's The World This Weekend on this morning's Broadcasting House) made the following statement:
It's marching season in Northern Ireland - 140 parades this weekend alone. Police say austerity measures mean they can't afford to do the work that might help combat sectarianism.
And, following on from an earlier post today (about the BBC's special interest in the killing of Michael Brown):
And a year on from the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a black teenager, by a white police officer in Missouri, his father explains how his son's death has become his inspiration.
The BBC's on parade again, it seems.