Sunday, 30 August 2015

"When you read the Koran did that give you a greater understanding of the tenets of Islam and how peace-loving a religion it truly is?"

Sunday Morning Live featured an interview with Terry Waite, in the wake of his writing of a comic novel (yes, a comic novel called The Voyage of the Golden Handshake).

I found what he had to say fascinating and found him personally charming, so it's well worth watching.

Of course, this was a SML interview so there had to be some typical BBC agenda-pushing along the way. 

Amusingly however, one particularly blatant leading question didn't go according to plan. It came courtesy of BBC London, Loose Ends and BBC World Service presenter Nikki Bedi:
Nikki Bedi: You said when you were in captivity you were given the Bible and the Koran. When you read the Koran did that give you a greater understanding of the tenets of Islam and how peace-loving a religion it truly is? 
Terry Waite: No. No it didn't.
I would have loved to have seen Nikki's face at that point. I bet it was a picture of surprise and disappointment. Unfortunately (and most unusually) the camera stayed off her face at that point.

Fortunately for her, however, he then added, "Neither did the Bible", which she repeated and then laughed (perhaps with relief).