Friday 13 November 2015

Emoting the news?

Here's another Conservative Woman post that caught my eye - and Sue's too: 
Don’t mourn for the passing of Donaldson. Mourn for the BBC he represented
Kathy Gyngell's piece - which, incidentally, pays a lovely tribute to the late Radio 4 newsreader Peter Donaldson - raises a concern that both me and my friend and partner-in-blogging Sue have also raised before:
You certainly know what Fiona Bruce is thinking when she reads the news. And we should not. 
For Kathy, Mr Donaldson belongs to a past BBC age. His successors belong to the BBC's present age: the age of emoting, as exemplified by Ms Bruce.

What's interesting here is her specific mention of Fiona Bruce. 

Both myself and Sue have independently converged on Ms Bruce in this respect before. And now here's Kathy too. 

Does anyone else find find this when watching Fiona reading the news? 

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