Thursday 15 November 2018

John Simpson has his say

The BBC's World Affairs Editor John Simpson has contributed his two penn'orth to the day's events. In the later tweet he has a point to make and uses some specific targets to make it:


  1. Such weighty comment, I'm sure it's worth tuppence. Have you any more eloquent quotations from the other side of the house, John? Ever quoted any such since 2016? Just for balance, you understand.

  2. It would be easy if we actually had a government/civil service that wanted to exit the EU.
    Perhaps John could 'hold power to account' on that issue?

    1. Tricky holding the state to account when the state broadcaster agrees with their mates in the other unelected bits.

  3. All the comments copied by Simpson (from Redwood, Davis and Fox) were perfectly reasonable at the time they made them.

    They just had no idea of how deep, determined and nasty would be the effort by the pro-EU elites (encouraged by the BBC) to overturn the democratic choice of the people.

    1. Spot-on. If the negotiations hadn't been conducted by a Quisling PM, aided by a Fifth Columnist civil servant, we might have got somewhere.

    2. Quite. It's like saying in 1850 "The journey from Ohio to California can be accomplished by a train of wagons with healthy horses." Yes it can...assuming you're not assailed by 30,000 Comanchees. :)

      And if Simpson was really look for a lie from the EU Referendum Campaign, how about Cameron's assertion that there were no plans for an EU Army and it will never happen?

    3. Or its like saying it is 100 miles from London to Birmingham, unless you have a taxi driver that wants to go via Brussels.

    4. Even better put Anon! :)

  4. “I actually so happen to think that Jean-Claude Junker and Nigel Farage are both dangerous fantasists when it comes to this issue. It's not going to happen, it doesn't matter whether Nigel Farage says it's going to happen or Jean Claude Juncker...he [Juncker] can't create a European army," Mr Clegg told his phone-in on LBC radio.


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