Friday 9 November 2018

Hard rock update

Well, I feel as if Samira Ahmed has dumped some very fake news on me.

Having watched tonight's Newswatch, I didn't see any emails from famous hard rock lead singers. 

We got close though. There was email from a certain Ian Gilmore - who, if you change his Christian name entirely and alter his surname, becomes Dave Gilmour of Pink Floyd. 

And there was a Stephen Blakemore - who, if you change his Christian name entirely and alter his surname, becomes Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple. 

But no. There were no famous hard rocker moaning about the BBC, as far as I can see. 

What was Samira tweeting about? Was it just clickbait? Or have I missed a famous celebrity in my mist?

Further update: Ah, here's Samira to 'clarify' matter:
Had a Newswatch moment today when I thought I was reading out a viewer email from the lead singer of Whitesnake. Wrong Ian G. Disappointment.
It turns out she got it all wrong on many, many levels, confusing Deep Purple's Ian Gillan with David Coverdale, originally of Deep Purple and later of Whitesnake. "Oh no, I’m doubly disappointed now. And confused", tweeted the Newswatch and Radio 4 Front Row presenter later.

Should I complaint to Newswatch about this?


  1. Like me, (and unlike Samira) you are displaying too much knowledge of early 70s heavy rock. Obvs a guilty pleasure.
    Next up - Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Uriah Heep and Rush.

  2. Samira could be starting a trend here...

    KIRSTY WARK: And tomorrow we hear from "not the first man on the moon" what he really thinks about Brexit.

    THE AUDIENCE: Buzz? Buzz Aldrin has a view on Brexit? What could it be? Pro? Anti?

    Then next day:

    KIRSTY: Now let's hear what Buzz Oldring of the People's Vote Campaign in Consett thinks about that...and in passing may I offer my apologies to anyone who thought we were going to have the other Buzz on tonight.

    1. Poo. I was sure it was going to be Lightyear.


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