Saturday 24 November 2018

Tingling with anticipation

Add an extra streak of bacon, another egg, one more sausage, a second hash brown, an optional mushroom, a black pudding (obviously - and such a thing should be on your place in the first place, regardless), though feel free, with my blessing, to skip the extra fried tomato (I hate tomatoes, even fried ones), because, yes, oh yes, rejoice, rejoice!, there's an elongated Andrew Marr show tomorrow

And don't deliberately sleep in to avoid it either, or you'll disappoint Rob: 

Hmm, what to make of that, O fellow bias watchers? 

Well, for starters, it looks as if there's Bjorn from Abba, but where's Benny? #bbcantiBennybias. 

And, worse, why neither of the Abba women? #bbcmisogyny 

But, on political matters, we've got: Arlene Foster, Camilla Tominey, Andrew Pierce, Jeremy Hunt, Tony Blair, Rachel Shabi and Richard Burgon, with Damon Albarn (of Blur fame) making anti-Brexit noises. 

Camilla Tominey, appearing on this week's 'This Week'

That's a reasonable spread: four right-leaning; four left-leaning (though two of them far-left, none of them far-right); some pro-Brexit, some anti-Brexit.

(What's with the two far-left guests though, eh?)

Who will Andrew insult this week though?

Fingers crossed for Rachel or Richard. Tony has the hide of an armed-plated rhinoceros hiding in a tank, so nothing will bother him. And Andrew is only ever bothered about Iraq when it comes to bothering Tony.


  1. I want to see the running times...30 minutes for Blair? 2 mins for "Our Arlene" as I like to think of her now the fate of our nation rests in her hands?

  2. Burgon Bore and Blair is enough to put me off breakfast, not to mention Shabi. I can imagine Marr at his blandest. I'd rather not think too much about it.


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