Friday 1 April 2016

'Newsnight' "run by kids"

Well, I've seen it all now. 

First Newsnight had Emily Maitlis interviewing the Cookie Monster. Then it had Kirsty Wark made up as a zombie and dancing to Michael Jackson's Thriller for Halloween. Then it had George Monbiot cooking a dead squirrel for James O'Brien to eat live on air. 

And now, on last night's show, we were 'treated' to the spectacle of Evan Davis interviewing the farmer from CBeebies' Shaun the Sheep over the issue of 'what Brexit might mean for British farmers'.


When Jeremy Paxman said that Newsnight had been taken over by "kids" under Ian Katz's watch he wasn't joking, was he?


  1. Don't forget Davis's lame attempt to get Farage to condemn Paddington Bear as a hated illegal immigrant. Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess.

  2. Dammit. I thought two would be the limit and this was even more believable than the others. Head hung in shame, although this says more about Newsnight than about how gullible I am.

    1. I wrote and 'scheduled' them all the night before. This one was so plausible I was worried they might actually do something like it on Thursday night. I hope I've not given them ideas.

    2. I didn't even stop to think that the farmer doesn't even really talk, just sort of vocalizes. Although we're talking about Evan Davis, who is notorious for restating his guest's answers to suit his agenda, so maybe it's not so far-fetched. I can see it now:

      EVAN DAVIS: Tell me, how would Brexit affect your ability to work with the European market?

      FARMER: Wwwmmm, rrrrpp.

      EVAN DAVIS: So it would severely harm your trade with the EU countries.

      FARMER: Oooonnn, uuuhhhh.

      EVAN DAVIS: In other words, it would be a disaster.

      And so on.

    3. You're tempting fate there, David. If that dialogue turns up, word for word, on Newsnight later this month, I'll know who to blame!


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