Sunday 24 April 2016


Not the best placing of your hands there, Toby

And, also from the Andrew Marr show introduction, here's another of those inconsistent 'labelling' things...
Well, President Obama continues to dominate the papers today, and here to review them are the journalists Toby Young, who definitely won't be heeding the President's advise when it comes to the EU referendum, and Gillian Tett, US managing editor of the Financial Time,...
And if, like me, you were waiting for Andy to tell us where Gillian Tett of the pro-EU FT stands in advance of us hearing her, well, it never came. She's impartial, you see (like the BBC)...

...despite not sounding remotely anything like it during the paper review. She backed the anti-Brexit Americans, talked of the 'uncertainty' of Brexit and disagreed again and again with Toby Young on the issue, always putting the anti-Brexit side.

Andy Marr, in contrast, did strike me as acting as impartially as possible here during this discussion, so points regained for him for that! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sick of all these British pundits being so ignorant about Obama's politics. He is all for open borders, and is against border controls. He is also all for every single Socialist idea in the EU project: universal socialized health care, higher punitive taxes, a protected corporate elite that works with government, and a weakening of unilateral national power.

    Obama is not a hypocrite, and is not telling the British people to do something he wouldn't do or give away rights he wouldn't give away. He is telling you essentially what he has been telling us: the European model is the way to go.


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