Thursday 23 January 2014

Employment Stats UK

In preparing this week's forthcoming Newsnight reports I found myself having a read of the latest Office for National Statistics report on UK employment. It's not something I usually do (no, honestly!) but I might well be doing so again as they are very interesting - as I hope you'll agree. 

So here are the nation's latest stats:.

• The number of people in employment in the UK is 30.07 million,
• The number of UK born people in employment in the UK is 25.68 million.
• The number of non-UK born people in employment in the UK is 4.38 million.

• The number of men working full-time is 13.99 million.
• The number of men working part-time is 2.17 million.
• The number of women working full-time is 8.06 million.
• The number of women working part-time is 5.94 million.

• 5.67 million people are employed in the public sector.
• 24.42 million people are employed in the private sector.
• 81.2% of people in employment worked in the private sector and the remaining 18.8% worked in the public sector.

• The number of self-employed people is 4.36 million.

• 1.56 million people are employed in the National Health Service.
• 1.08 million people are employed in public administration.
• 1.49 million people are employed in education.
• 432,000 people are employed in HM Forces and the police.

• Total hours worked per week were 969.3 million for September to November 2013.
• Average weekly hours worked for September to November 2013 were 32.2.
• Average total pay (including bonuses) for employees in Great Britain is £475 per week.
• Average regular pay (excluding bonuses) for employees in Great Britain is £447 per week.

• There are 2.32 million unemployed people, down 167,000 from June to August 2013.
• There are 1.31 million unemployed men.
• There are 1.01 million unemployed women.
• 1.09 million people have been unemployed for up to six months.
• 395,000 people have been unemployed for between six and twelve months.
• 839,000 people have been unemployed for over one year.
• 449,000 people have been unemployed for over two years.

• There are 2.28 million economically inactive students.
• There are 2.29 million people looking after the family or home.
• There are 2.00 million people who are economically inactive due to long-term sickness.
• There are 1.34 million economically inactive people who have retired before reaching the age of 65.

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