Friday 27 March 2015

Everyone is hurting

First the three,  then the five.
 Bethnal Green Academy, what is it like? 

It emerges that teddybear-cuddling Abase Hussen who had no idea how his daughter became radicalised had been indulging in a little light flag-burning and a spot of recreational marching with Anjem Choudary. Apart from that, Abase is the very model of  modern English gentleman. 
“Shamima's sister Renu urged her not to "do anything stupid", adding she is "our baby". Halima Khanom, Kadiza's sister, said: "Everyone is hurting."
Apparently they can’t stop cryin’ !
Sad as it is,  the police caved in to pressure from the select committee and  goodness knows who else, and actually apologised to this family for not preventing their daughter and her friends from running off to be jihadi brides. 

There they were sitting in front of the select committee, all hard-done by and sorry for themselves, while all along they were deeply involved in the radical ideology that tempted their daughter and her friends to follow their dreams. Islamic State ahoy.

I don’t know whether this comes under the category of ‘extremism’ as defined by Theresa May. It’s their ‘norm’ innit.
Either way it looks like deception of a most unpleasant kind.


  1. There was a time when if you referred to the concept of taqiyya (having explained it) a lot of people thought you were a bigot. No longer. More and more people are coming to understand the concept and the danger it represents.

  2. This is seriously worrying - BBC News Channel did its usual round-up of the front pages at 11pm yesterday but omitted the Daily Mail's scoop on this. It seems that censorship by the BBC is now routine.

    1. That is very worrying. And, as far as I can see, it's continuing today.

    2. It's often the cover up that makes things worse.

      Even if the BBC does eventually mutter something about it they are professionally damned. Even further.

      They led the Vaz ra-ra show coverage without hesitation.

      To now 'move on' and hope no one will notice such editorial by omission is risible.

    3. Perhaps it's time we let them know we HAVE noticed; how about a petition organized between this web site & Guido Fawkes in which we demand an apology now & objective reporting in future? After all, the BBC, itself, is fond of encouraging people to demand apologies!

    4. Perhaps it's time we let them know we HAVE noticed; how about a petition organized between this web site & Guido Fawkes in which we demand an apology now & objective reporting in future? After all, the BBC, itself, is fond of encouraging people to demand apologies!


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