Sunday 22 March 2015

Experiencing a more Islamic culture

Here we go again, it seems: 
Nine British medical students and doctors are feared to have travelled to Syria to work in areas controlled by Islamic State militants.
Go down to the penultimate (14th) paragraph in the BBC website article and you'll see the following:
The medics are said to have been born in England but were sent to Sudan to study and experience "a more Islamic culture".
Sky News, however, is more explicit about exactly who "sent" them to Sudan to experience "a more Islamic culture", telling us as early as their 4th paragraph:
The students had been studying in Sudan because their parents wanted them to experience a more Islamic culture, but they were born and raised in Britain.
Turkish politician Mehmet Ali Ediboglu is quoted later in the Sky article saying, 
"I've asked the families why they sent their children to study there, and as I understood it, they wanted them to experience a more Islamic culture and not to forget their roots." 
This needs remembering, just in case the usual suspects attempt to pretend it's all the fault (somehow) of the British authorities, and that families bear no responsibility for helping to encourage their children to value Islamic culture and their non-British roots more than British culture and 'their British roots'. 

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