Saturday 22 October 2016

Farming Today ramps up the bias

This morning's Farming Today This Week might well turn up in Radio 4's Brexit Collection too. 

The three politicians interviewed throughout the programme - Molly Scott Cato (Green), Julie Girling (Conservative) and Huw Irranca Davies (Labour) - all supported Remain in the EU referendum...

...and you could tell!...

...given the underlying mood of gloom they gave off...

...(though, oddly, the Green MEP sounded quite enthusiastic about what could be done for the environmentalist cause post-Brexit).

That fact alone should be enough to prove just how biased this programme was.

To add to it we had three reports. 

The first featured (John-Redwood-bashing) lawyer Hugh Mercer. Googling him it turns out (though you could have guessed from just listening to him!) that he signed a pro-Remain letter for Lawyers In For Britain

Then came a Norfolk farmer (who Googling shows also opposed Brexit), worrying about subsides.

Then came a piece on the EU Water Framework Directive featuring an enforcer of the directive (who supports it) and a famer who, while not knowing much about it, is happy that it makes people care more about the quality of water in our rivers and on our land. 

It was a Leave-supporting free zone, and it's impossible to believe that the makers of Farming Today weren't aware of that fact before broadcasting this edition of the programme. 

That's not to say that it wasn't interesting or that the views expressed weren't worth hearing. It's just to say that the programme was very heavily biased against Brexit.

1 comment:

  1. Farming Today has been consistently anti-Brexit for months, and strongly pro-EU for years. The programme seems to be produced almost solely by silly girls, who have never lived in an independent Britain, and never exposed to any opinion other than that provided by the BBC and its house journal, the Guardian.


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