Friday 12 February 2016

Testament of Bias

I bet you could have guessed it was Shirley Williams!

She's about as 'BBC' as it gets!!

(Note to self: Too many exclamation marks = not good!!!)

BBC One's Question Time has tweeted a list of its top 50 guests (click to enlarge) and Baroness Williams -

- the daughter of the woman who wrote the most tedious book I've ever had to read (Vera Brittain's coma-inducing Testament of Youth - read for school {many years ago}) -

- emerges in poll position, just beating jazz-loving, EU-loving Ken Clarke:

It was prudent of BBC Question Time to publish the top 50 rather than the top 10, wasn't it? The top 10 alone would have made the programme appear astonishingly pro-EU - especially given the fact that half of the top spots went to Liberal Democrats and that the two most-invited-on Tories are Ken Clarke and Michael Heseltine!


P.S. If you're having trouble sleeping I heartily recommended Shirley's mum's very long, very boring book - referred to, at my school, as 'The Vera'.

Only my feminist teacher and one feminist pupil liked it.

The mere thought of it now makes me feel very, very, very drowsy and... let you into a very revealing secret which I've never told anyone before and which I feel a blog is the right place to unburden myself at...

I once...


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