Sunday 21 June 2015

A brillo-iant BBC interviewer

You've got to hand it to Andrew Neil...

Yes, he may be best buddies with his long-time colleague on BBC One's This Week, Diane Abbott, but that didn't stop him from giving her a thorough and forensic debunking on today's Sunday Politics.

He then gave Conservative Liam Fox and UKIP's Steven Woolfe a very thorough grilling.

If you didn't know his past, would you be able to tell his politics from his questioning?

And yet because of that past he's the trump card played by defenders of the BBC who have - for years - cried "What about Andrew Neil?" when confronted with evidence of left-wing bias at the BBC.

It's a funny old world, isn't it?

Update: (Sue)

Diane Abbott; making it up as she goes along.

“Jeremy got the most applause”  "250,000 people who came out in London  think the cuts are unfair." "You can sneer, Andrew"

“Earnings from the BBC alone”  H/T fi_karen (btl comment)

I don’ wanna be a basic bitch, but what I do know, Andrew, is that straightened hair and geeky glasses definitely don’t do much for our Diane, do they, Andrew?



    Looks like we were probably lied to about the Austrian nut job. It appears there is an Islamic fanatic with the same name and location...No just BBC of course - Sky and others were eager to play down any potential link with devotion to Islam.

  2. And yet... and yet... they keep dragging her back in, kicking and screaming, past the petty cash box.

    It is possible it's to keep feeding out the rope, but I doubt it. And beyond the car crash ratings, I'd like to hear from people who might actually be qualified to lead this country as opposed to whatever her reason for being famous is.


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