Please stop calling IS 'Islamic State'! |
David Vance has written on Biased-BBC about this morning’s exchange between the Prime Minister and John Humphrys, in particular the bit where David Cameron said:
“I wish the BBC would stop calling it ‘Islamic State’ because it is not an Islamic state,”
Suitably chastised, John Humphrys complied.
David Vance introduced his post thus:
“Ok, here’s a curious one in which I defend the BBC against the Prime Minister.”
and of course, with this I concur.
What I find confusing is this. No, it’s not an Islamic State (yet) but it aspires to be one. (Palestine is not a state (yet) but people keep calling it Palestine as if it were.) So is David Cameron's objection directed at the fact that we’re prematurely calling it a state, when we hope it never succeeds in becoming one? Or is it because we don’t like to call it Islamic, because it’s NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM (which is a religion of peace?)